Monday, December 14, 2015

Let not our trials of this day be our final sentence. For our difficulties of today  is definitely shared by another in our world. Therefore, be encouraged and don't give up because tomorrow a new dawn will surely shine, and once we have life we have the most precious gift-Genevieve Sarpong.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

How Great Thou Art

How Great Thou Art

Each morn I wake, I think of  thee, O gracious God, we bow and sing your praise
Your grace abounds as wide as oceans deep, the sun, moon and stars resound your wonders
The earth, you fashioned by your hand and clothed with majestic seas,
Great mountains, plains and meadows , all creatures great and small you raised
How great thou Art.

O king of Kings, to you we owe our life, your precious son, the ultimate sacrifice
Good counselor ever vigilant to our needs, before your throne our homage shall we bring
 Your precious blood redemptive endless flow, sufficient  till we meet in paradise,
Where clothed in splendor and majesty, shall we behold our King
How Great Thou Art.

The blind can see, the lame can walk, the dead shall be resurrected because of thee
You raise your hands and  quiet the raging storm
Good shepherd, rescuer of the afflicted , in you our refuge and our fortress be
In you, we emerge untouched from the lion’s den, in you we shall trample the snake
A thousand armies shall we do battle with, as long as you remain at our ships helm
How great thou art.

 Praise be to you my King and my God
Who led his people out of Israel with his mighty rod
Who calls us to being from a tiny seed and holds us under the shelter of his wings
For our sake he will call a mighty army to our defense  against our enemies
Turn their water into blood, fill their skies with hail until we are set free
All nations shall come  know How Great Thou Art.
(c)Genevieve Sarpong 9/10/2015

By Afia Sarpong 9y.old

Sunday, August 30, 2015


Arise anew, inspired by the miracle of  breath freely given
and by the rhythmic beat of the heart,
A better today, let your hearts be driven
 Leaving yesterday’s failings but a distant memory forgotten.

From the rubble life has placed before you arise,
Forging ahead , amidst life’s roses and thorns
From the shackles of negativity and bitterness arise,
Emerging stronger still, for at your voyage end, sweet reward lies.

Dare to climb every mountain, every path less traveled may you never fear to tread
For it is the very strength within you that propels your dreams to flight.
With the strong arms of faith, lift the oars of your journey and arise
Charting the course on which your destiny lies arise.

If perchance the storms of life attempts to capsize your course,
You shall stand firm continually rising above each turbulent wave
Until at last, rooted in triumph you shall withstand nature’s force,
Because you dared to rise.

©Genevieve Sarpong 8/30/2015.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Everlasting Love

Everlasting Love
In days gone by I cherished you,
Reveled in our union,
Lavished in the sweet melody of our love.
Rare was the color of our passion,
It’s radiance piercing to our souls.
You whose very presence nourished my soul,
Our love stood un-capsized through the  turbulent waves of time.
Neither time nor distance could separate us.
Where are you this fine morn, that I may ravish again in your warm embrace.
Alas, the sting of our mortality has swept you to a place of no return
Now here I am with thoughts of our love, growing dimmer as my end draws near.
Alas, the unquenchable light approaches to take me to a distant shore,
Where I might never see your face again.
Yet when all seemed but a mere memory, there you were
Awaiting at the helm of my journey, beautiful and radiant as the first day I laid eyes on you. #Poetry #Inspiration
Genevieve Sarpong©7/19/15 

Friday, July 3, 2015

Poetic Fragrance

Live passionately, Love freely and Give without expectation-Genevieve Sarpong.
#Inspiration #Happiness #Poetry.

Thursday, July 2, 2015


To protect One Child from harm is to save a generation-Genevieve Sarpong.
You will be remembered. Rest in Peace.