How Great
Thou Art
Each morn I wake,
I think of thee, O gracious God, we bow
and sing your praise
Your grace
abounds as wide as oceans deep, the sun, moon and stars resound your wonders
The earth,
you fashioned by your hand and clothed with majestic seas,
mountains, plains and meadows , all creatures great and small you raised
How great
thou Art.
O king of
Kings, to you we owe our life, your precious son, the ultimate sacrifice
Good counselor ever vigilant to our needs, before your throne our homage shall we
Your precious blood redemptive endless flow, sufficient
till we meet in paradise,
clothed in splendor and majesty, shall we behold our King
How Great
Thou Art.
The blind
can see, the lame can walk, the dead shall be resurrected because of thee
You raise
your hands and quiet the raging storm
Good shepherd,
rescuer of the afflicted , in you our refuge and our fortress be
In you, we
emerge untouched from the lion’s den, in you we shall trample the snake
A thousand
armies shall we do battle with, as long as you remain at our ships helm
How great
thou art.
Praise be to
you my King and my God
Who led his people
out of Israel with his mighty rod
Who calls us
to being from a tiny seed and holds us under the shelter of his wings
For our sake
he will call a mighty army to our defense
against our enemies
Turn their
water into blood, fill their skies with hail until we are set free
All nations
shall come know How Great Thou Art.
(c)Genevieve Sarpong 9/10/2015
(c)Genevieve Sarpong 9/10/2015
By Afia Sarpong 9y.old |